Growth Academy Development Journal: July 2024

Diant looks up from his corner and laptop

Hey guys! 'Tis your main pregnant enjoyer, Diant! I hope your July (and basically first third of August) was full of summer bliss, swimming pools, and everything in-between! 

First off, huge apologies on my end. Had a bit of miscommunication plus a smallish lapse in memory that resulted in the journal not getting posted until now! Totally my bad! Hopefully the updates make it worth the wait! I promise the wait wasn't a pregnant pause.

So, starting things off 

- Our breastest lady, Honoka, has got two scenes in progress. (And also two boobs)

- Shiori is sitting (and I do mean SITTING. Like, you see that thing?) pretty for now, with no new updates atm

- Our dearest Naomi has a new scene in progress, and one more having been wrapped up recently by Jubei

- Alice is coming in heavy with a new CG, new outfit, and a new finished scene

- Akira is flexing three scenes in the works this go around

- Aida has two new scenes in the oven, with a new CG and outfit also being cooked up

 On the MC scene front, we're starting work on a new holiday scene! We're planning something that'll end up being quite replayable and complex, with a little something for everyone!

And that should be about everything! Thank you all so much for the continued support, and I hope that your August feels so much more than just the "Sunday" of the year!


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Version 2024.7.03 76 days ago
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Version 2024.7.03 76 days ago
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Version 2024.7.03 76 days ago

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yo estoy en la ruta de Alice y ya espero con ansias como va a terminar su historia (me gusto bastante este juego )

I love this game, so it's always a great pleasure to received and read these updates.


Love the (intentional) puns