Why hello you lovebirds! Clock here, and I hope your Valentines season was one where you got to escape from the cold and find some warmth with those who ya cher...
It's time lads: A NEW YEAR IS UPON US! 2025 sure came on fast, enough so to where I'm still catching myself writing 2024. With the new year, however, comes a ne...
HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND MERRY NEW YEARS! I hope all are doing well this end of the year season, because he have a HECK OF A LOT OF NEW PRESENTS UNDER THE TREE! This...
From the turkey and mashed potato hellscape I stand victorious, and from the cobs of corn I gain my enlightenment; what's good, mothershuckers, it's development...
OoOoO, Spooky Clock here, coming back from a Halloween Haunt to present the October dev journal for Growth Academy! Hope everyone is doing well, and got lots of...
It's spooky month, everyone! Clock here, back at ya with another new journal for Growth Academy. With September coming to an end, we're starting to see the leav...
>Steals mic back from Diant I LIVE Hey all, Clock here once again with a new dev journal for Growth Academy! As an announcement, I've returned from Japan! This...
Diant looks up from his corner and laptop Hey guys! 'Tis your main pregnant enjoyer, Diant! I hope your July (and basically first third of August) was full of s...